Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Tulisan Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

2. if you want to do business , and you choose what reason ?
I choose a business selling clothing, because every human being will certainly need clothes. And certainly many people who are interested, because of a small child to adulthood will certainly need clothes. Clothing from time to time his mode of fashion is always changing as well as the material and, because of that human beings will not be bored to buy.

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. george is cooking dinner tonight
answer :

S              = George
V             = is cooking
C/O         = dinner
M of time = tonight

2. henry and marcia have visited the president
answer :

S               = Henry and Marcia
V               = have visited
C/O           = the president

3. We can eat lunch in this restaurant today
answer :

S                = We
V                = can eat lunch
C/O            =  -
M of place  = in this restaurant
M of time    = today

4. pat should have bought gasoline yesterday
answer :

S                  = Pat
V                  = should have bought
C/O              = gasoline
M of time      = yesterday

5. trees grow
answer :

V                   = grow
C/O               = trees

6. it was raining at seven o'clock this morning
answer :

S                   = It
V                   = was raning
M of time       = at seven o'clock
M of time       = this morning

7. she opnened a checking account at the bank last week
answer ;

S                     = She
V                     = Opened a checking account
C/O                 = at the bank
M of time         = last week

8. Harry is washing dishes right now

S                       = Harry
V                       = is washing
C/O                   = dishes
M of time           = right now

9. She opened her book
answer :

S                        = She
V                        = opened
C/O                    = her book

10. paul, williams, and mary were watching, television a few minutes ago
answer :

S                         = Paul, Williams, and Mary
V                         = were watching
C/O                     = television
M of time             = a few minutes ago

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

definition of business

business is a n exchange in the trade of goodsservices, or both to consumers for money . Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners.